“...I've been working since 2008 with Ruby / Ruby on Rails, love a bit of Elixir / Phoenix and learning Rust. I also poke through other people's code and make PRs for OpenSource Ruby projects that sometimes make it. Currently working for InPay...”

Rob Lacey
Senior Software Engineer, UK

AASM kick in the balls bug / typo / misunderstanding

Pretty average AASM block right? Wrong….

I was just dealing with a bug where object.mark_sent! wasn’t saving the record.

included do
  include AASM
  aasm(:state) do
    state :in_checkout, initial: true
    state :processing
    state :available
    state :completed
    state :inactive
    state :sent

    event :start_processing! do
      transitions from: [:in_checkout, :processing, :available], to: :processing

    event :processed! do
      transitions from: [:in_checkout, :processing], to: :available

    event :mark_sent! do
      transitions from: [:available, :completed], to: :sent

    after_all_transitions :set_aasm_timestamp

There’s a mark_sent! event, so surely mark_sent! should change the state and save the record right? No.

event :mark_sent! do
  transitions from: [:available, :completed], to: :sent

This actually creates two method mark_sent! which makes the state change and it’s counterpart that also saves the record mark_sent!!. You can’t call a method with a double exclamation directly.

[26] pry(main)> e.mark_sent!!
[26] pry(main)* 
[26] pry(main)* e.send(:'mark_sent!!')

When in Vegas, don’t define mark your events with an exclamation. DOH.

GPK of the Day Mad MIKE