“...I've been working since 2008 with Ruby / Ruby on Rails, love a bit of Elixir / Phoenix and learning Rust. I also poke through other people's code and make PRs for OpenSource Ruby projects that sometimes make it. Currently working for InPay...”

Rob Lacey
Senior Software Engineer, UK

Adding a new role to PostgreSQL

rails@snarf:/var/www/mini-epic/current$ sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
Enter name of role to add: rails
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
rails@snarf:/var/www/mini-epic/current$ RAILS_ENV=staging rake db:create
rails@snarf:/var/www/mini-epic/current$ psql epic_invite_staging < /tmp/mini-epic.pgsql
GPK of the Day Mad MIKE