“...I've been working since 2008 with Ruby / Ruby on Rails, love a bit of Elixir / Phoenix and learning Rust. I also poke through other people's code and make PRs for OpenSource Ruby projects that sometimes make it. Currently working for InPay...”

Rob Lacey
Senior Software Engineer, UK


  • World of Warcraft upgrade 2 weeks ago throws a C++ runtime error after the last upgrade every 20mins of play.
  • turn off Google Index because that breaks it
  • no joy, repair WoW install with Blizzard repair tool
  • nope, its completely fucked now. won’t even start.
  • ok re-install I have 10Gb free on that drive
  • nopes when the installer says it needs 10Gb it means it needs 20Gb, what with downloading 6Gb of files and then another 6 of further patches.
  • 4 days and many attempts to download and re-install later. Same issue.
  • look sod it I am just going to re-install the machine. Fresh XP / Fresh Ubuntu. Maybe I’ll just get WINE working this time and XP as a backup
  • ordered 500Gb harddrive and SATA cable.
  • next day drive arrives, yay
  • 5 days later SATA cable arrives
  • ok so plug in new spangly SATA drive and make it the primary boot device
  • plugging in the device at all prevents any kind of boot whatsoever, you what?
  • ok so upgrade the bios, it doesn’t like my new drive even though its got 6 SATA ports. 2 standard and 4 RAID.
  • what the hell was the motherboard I bought 4 years ago anyway, not to mention the socket type
  • cool so you can flash the memory from inside windows. think again.
  • right so you can create a boot cd that does it, no.
  • download FreeDOS, boot from it and get a command prompt. Ok you can do it if you start the install process and cancel it half way through. But not if you actually just select boot into LiveCD.
  • get pre-burnt bios update tool and bios. Oh yeah its the K8N-E Deluxe bios you need not the K8N-E. sigh
  • re-burn bios update. repeat
  • AFUDOS /iK8NE1011.AMI
  • at bloody last
  • does it boot with the SATA drive attached. not a chance
  • I think perhaps this PC needs to live in the garden

OK so more googling

GPK of the Day TOMMY Tomb