“...I've been working since 2008 with Ruby / Ruby on Rails, love a bit of Elixir / Phoenix and learning Rust. I also poke through other people's code and make PRs for OpenSource Ruby projects that sometimes make it. Currently working for InPay...”

Rob Lacey
Senior Software Engineer, UK

Fun with classes and constants

Ruby is somewhat versatile at times. Suppose you want to define a class dynamically, and I do….

class Thing; end

Ok, that’s not dynamic

# still not dynamic but getting there.
def define_a_class
  Thing = Class.new

# ok then I see
def define_a_class(name)
  Object.const_set(name, Class.new)

=> Thing

This is great but what if you wanted to define a class within a module

NameError: wrong constant name Nigel::Thing
from (pry):19:in `const_set'

Oh. That sucks. What you’re actually trying to do here is

Object.const_set('Thing', Class.new)
#=> Thing
Nigel.const_set('Thing', Class.new)
#=> Nigel::Thing

Object is for root namespace, and the module name for the nested namespace.

So today we had an issue. We normally define a Permit class if one doesn’t already exist like so.

def define_permit_class
  name = "#{self.name}Permit"

rescue NameError
  Object.const_set(name, Class.new(Permit))

This works for


But obviously not for


Well, easily fixed. A class can find it’s parent module, or if it is doesn’t have one it’s Object.

#=> Object
#=> Nigel

So we just refactor this a little and bingo

def define_permit_class
  name = "#{self.name.demodulize}Permit"

rescue NameError
  parent.const_set(name, Class.new(Permit))

Ok, it now seems that parent is deprecated in Rails 6.1. module_parent it is.

DEPRECATION WARNING: `Module#parent` has been renamed to `module_parent`. `parent` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 6.1.
GPK of the Day Blasted BILLY