Offloading database and multi-database connections
Today I wanted to look at offloading a single logging table from our application into a different database. I am going to forget how to GRANT MySQL Permission for a entire netmask, so I’ll just remind myself.
GRANT ALL ON production_logging TO dave@'';
As you might know the way you override the database connection for a particular model is to define specifically.
class LogEntry < ApplicationRecord
establish_connection { username: 'dave', password: 'arnold', host: '' }
It’s doesn’t feel particularly configurable. I could do something like…
class LogEntry < ApplicationRecord
establish_connection Settings.get(:dennis)
But I want to extract this some more. Partly for fun and partly because I might want to make the settings dependent of different environments. So, today inspired by the Virtus syntax configuration we have the following.
class LogEntry < ApplicationRecord
include DatabaseConnection[:dennis]
And it’s implementation.
module DatabaseConnection
def self.[](settings) do
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
establish_connection Settings.get(settings)
No an include can’t take an argument, but an include accepts a Module and that Module can be defined here or defined the result of any other method method.