“...I've been working since 2008 with Ruby / Ruby on Rails, love a bit of Elixir / Phoenix and learning Rust. I also poke through other people's code and make PRs for OpenSource Ruby projects that sometimes make it. Currently working for InPay...”

Rob Lacey
Senior Software Engineer, UK

Why every promoter should be using Songkick

Back in 2009, whilst freelancing, I applied to join both the teams of PledgeMusic and Songkick . I was lucky enough to join PledgeMusic and I am still there today. SongKick are still a cool company though and their product is a very simple one. They harvest gig listing data from thousands of sources and build a list of venues, bands and gigs (historical and upcoming).

This data is very simple yet very powerful, you can use their website or their app to select your city (Brighton) or cities you’d travel to (hell anywhere cool in Europe) and import your favourite artists from Facebook, Spotify or your music from your phone. That’s it, but this means you can now easily search for what bands that you like are coming up and track those events, announce you’re going or if they have tickets buy them from Songkick or via one of their partner vendors (the usual suspects).

Having travelled to Europe plenty in the last 10 years this services makes it really easy to add a gig to our sightseeing itinerary. Last year it was D-A-D in Gothenberg, Conny Bloom in Oreboro and then into Stockholm for a pootle around the city before home. And before that we travelled to Brussels to see Messer Chups after getting similar notifications.

This service is not only powerful for Consumers but Bands and Promoters should take the time to ensure their events are listed on the site, add them if not or just ensure the bands are listed properly and date and venue are accurate. And this guarantees that little bit more exposure and your target customers don’t end up missing Messer Chups when they come to Brighton. This may have happened :(

Having decided to attend Mammothfest 2017 this year. I took a look at the listing and it appeared that over 20 bands (both established and new on the scene) were not listed. Since any user can edit a listing I added in the missing ones and one day later the app is notifying me about new gigs for ‘Hole In The Sky’ and ‘Mutually Assured Destruction". Excellent, so not only is the gig listing more accurate but fans are automatically notified that new bands are added to the bill. Potentially making that push in sales that any artists, promoter, gig needs. Don’t miss out on that little bit more exposure because just a Facebook Event just doesn’t cut it anymore

So why not pop on over and let me know if you’re also going to Damnation 2017

GPK of the Day Spacey STACY